Anugerah Inovasi Negara

It reminds me of the first event held in PWTC organised by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and Akademi Sains Malaysia. The award ‘Anugerah Inovasi Negara’ is divided into three categories: Product innovation, Grassroot innovation and School innovation. Proudly, I met many Malaysians who are creative and innovative from different backgrounds and walks of life. The minister YB Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili did mention in his speech during the opening ceremony that Malaysia is launching the Majlis Inovasi Negara to foster innovation and creativity for the benefit, progress and prosperity of our country. We learn from developed countries that Innovation is an important factor to speed up and encourage the development of a country. Today, innovation is the ‘big thing’ – we should foster innovation as one of our culture since the very young age.

The Flour Business…

Got a call today from Siti, my colleague cum lab-mate (UK2000-2004) in the Satake Centre for Grain Process Engineering (SCGPE) at UMIST. Our long chat reminds me of memorable times there. UMIST now known as the University of Manchester after the merge with Manchester Univ. Our good times doing the ‘flour’ business (pronounce it as flower, yes)…with Grant, Chaoying, Collin, Seve, Zoe, Jintang, Peter, Wang, and in the lab with Dave, Phillip, Henrietta, Chin, Marliya, Suzanna, Tuya and Lily – hi there wherever you are! Almost about four years doing the study; live wheat, eat wheat, sleep wheat! Indeed, wheat grain is a unique creation by the almghty God- small but a big challenge for millers since ancient times. Unlike rice which is very ‘straightforward’, wheat grain- the heart-shaped cs has such an interesting story! What’s up? to be continued….;-D

Effective Microbes

When the Pengarah PPK JBS, Tn. Hj. Yusof said ” The effective microbes (EM) purpose is to be used, applied in our agriculture, horticulture and farming to increase production with a better bio-organic technology. The EM is for a better mankind and safer world. It is not meant to be commercialized at high price, hence affordable for wide applications” – I could not agree more.

Worms are much more expensive than chicken!

It is a shocking news that the current price of worms (type: ‘cacing gelang’) is around RM 50/kg! Well, it’s much more expensive than chicken, which is now one of a hot issue in the country. Anyway, we hardly care about the worm’s price because lack of knowledge of its use ( and there is no ‘nasi cacing’, ‘cacing percik’, ‘roasted worm’ etc :)). And yes, it is not for chicken feed use…certain exclusive enzymes could be extracted from the worms for medical and cosmeceutical purpose that boosts their price. This reminds me of a good friend cum mentor cum sister, belated (Allahyarhamah) PM Dr Fazilah who did her research on hirudin- one type of protein from leeches for medical use. And now the price of leeches boom, slightly higher than the above-mentioned worms! During her time in 1990s, she can easily get them just for free.

Well, since we believe the price of chicken could be controlled/reduced if cheaper chicken feed is available, lets find alternatives for the feed….or is there anything alike chicken?

Welcome to my official blog

img_6733.jpgWELCOME to my official blog, gobio (Go-Bio) that promotes the ‘bio thinking’ principles in our life, in daily practices, in industrial processes, in education, in research (R&D) and our overall agenda for a better future of the planet and the entire world. Go-bio considers nature or ‘fitrah’, relating harmoniously with every single bio-species and striving knowledge for the better mankind.

With kindest regards.